We love growth journeys

Mental Health Awareness week

SCALE-Mental Health Awareness week
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It is Mental Health Awareness this week.
Mental Health is a vital part of our over health!
What can I do for myself and my team this week?

As a CEO/Founder or Leadership Team, take five to check in on yourself?. How are You feeling? What does your workload look like this week/month. Check in with your team?

Have a coffee morning.

Provide regular opportunities to discuss, review and reflect on positive achievements.

Points to consider when talking to an employee with mental health:
– Respect confidentiality
– Thank the individual for talking/sharing
– Listen
– Let them know you/the business are their to support
– Don’t make it about you
– Ask for help from others if/when needed.

The more we talk about mental health within the work place, the more we break the stigma.

What will you do today or this week to check in with yourself and/or your team?

Find out how we can grow your company.

For an honest conversation with one of our leading coaches get in touch.

Speak to one of our coaches today.

For an honest conversation with one of our leading coaches get in touch.

Speak to us today.

For an honest conversation with one of our leading coaches get in touch.

Speak to one of our coaches to start your journey with Scale.
